Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Does Clutter make you fat?

I was searching the web and came across a very interesting article. It said that there was a definite connection between the clutter in your house and the clutter on your hips. It states that clutter and weight can be a result of unresolved issue in your life. Like something is missing so you buy more food or more things to fill up that empty space. One example in the article was a mother who was very over weight and her entire house was so cluttered that her and her children were forced to eat out at least once a day thus causing her daughter and son to be over weight. So she called Peter Walsh who was an expert on clutter. He first started with a fat tour of their home and asked Amber, the mother of this home, how she felt when she walked in her door. She responded by saying it made her exhausted she walks in and see’s all the clutter and disorganization and she just feels heavy! After the entire apartment was cleaned they all agreed that they felt lighter. Peter Walsh, the writer of the book, “Does this Clutter Make my Butt Look Fat”, staged this intervention. He also forced the entire family to get on a scale and face reality! The entire family was completely over weight. According to Walsh, a cluttered home affects children in two ways "Number one, kids learn by what they see. And so what you respect, what you show is important, whether it's the stuff in the house or the food choices, children model their behavior on that. The second thing is that if you have a house that's organized and decluttered, then it is much easier when you come to a decision, instead of going for the easy, you go for the good," Peter says. "And they're the important things that create the home you want. Create an environment that will help children make healthier choices." I never connected the two but it actually does make sense. When I feel disorganized and my room is messy it makes me feel lazy. I walk in to my small dorm room and see it completely messy and I just feel tired and stressed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post actually could connect with some ideas in Finding Flow. Isn't the problem related to entropy? If you don't have enough psychic energy, things seem too hard to cope with, and you can't get organized and disciplined, so you just feed your anxiety with more stuff.