Monday, March 3, 2008

Get A Life!

I feel like everyone is so wrapped up in other people’s lives. From paparazzi to juicy campus, dirty d town, magazines T.V. why are we all so interested in other people? It is so sad that our form entertainment is watching and reading other peoples problems and faults. I walk back in to my dorm room and I just see seven people huddled around a computer reading stupid, unimportant trash on juicy campus. Then I walk out of the room turn on the T.V and E news is on… Which is just basically gossip on top of gossip about celebrity life. I don’t get it, does it make us feel better to hear about other peoples problems. We are all just so insecure that in order to raise our self esteem we have to bring down someone else. Take Juicy Campus for instance; it is literally a web site that bashes people at our school anonymously. At least if you’re going to say something that horrible about someone, don’t hide behind a computer. I happened to think it is very cowardly. So can someone please inform me why we have this obsession with other people’s lives?! I really can’t figure it out. All I have come up with was insecurity but there has to be more than just that! Almost every T.V show is “reality” T.V so we can now (take the real world for example) Stalk every minute of other peoples lives. Well, my advice to the “stalkers” out there get a life! And stop worrying about other people because I’m sure you’re not perfect so with that time that you spend obsessing over other people try working on yourself.