Saturday, April 19, 2008

oldest women to ever live!

I just felt that this was an interesting article. Being a freshman in college I never really think about getting older. But when in fact I do get older, do I really want to live past 100. I feel that once you get passed a certain point you just begin to deteriorate so why would anyone want to put themselves through living like a vegetable. I came across an article titled “the oldest women in the world”, and it just got me thinking. An Indian woman, living at age 115! The women’s name is Edna Parker. She just celebrated her 115 birthday on Sunday. How crazy is that? But the good news about her being the oldest women to ever live is that they can solve the mysteries of longevity. The real question is, should it be solved? A widow since her husband, Earl, died in 1938 of a heart attack, Parker lived alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into her son Clifford's home. She cheated death a few months later. I could never live like that alone and lonely. I mean watching your relatives die its just so depressing! The women lived alone in her farmhouse until she was one hundred. I would honestly rather live a wonderful fulfilling live till I am 80 rather than force myself to live and as I loose my memory, my mind and family!

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